Aku mengaku aku adalah hambaNya...tetapi adakah aku SEBENAR-BENAR hambaNya?
Aku mengaku aku adalah umatnya Nabi...tetapi adakah Nabi mengakui aku?
SIDDIQ, AMANAH, TABLIGH, FATANAH...aku masih mencari...
it's good for you, izman...i'm sure you appreciate your wife (and your kids for sure) more than anything since then...
husband could feel the pain but wife bears it...it's two different thing but that's where both played their roles through the process...although by just being there...
p/s: i want my (soon-to-be)hubby to be there for me also :) could you hear that...plss...plsss...
Aku bersyukur berpeluang melihat saat kelahiran anak aku secara life.
Aku kagum dengan semangat juang seorang ibu dlm proses melahirkan anak.
Tak hairanlah Islam mengiktiraf kematian semasa melahirkan anak adalah syahid kecil.
it's good for you, izman...i'm sure you appreciate your wife (and your kids for sure) more than anything since then...
husband could feel the pain but wife bears it...it's two different thing but that's where both played their roles through the process...although by just being there...
p/s: i want my (soon-to-be)hubby to be there for me also :) could you hear that...plss...plsss...
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